English Word

... translates English written as a foreign language into English like a native speaker.

• Are you a non-native English speaker?

• Do you write in English for an international audience?

• Can you tell if your English writing contains mistakes or has an idiosyncratic, "foreign" tone?


Most international businesses use English as the common language for their published literature, conferences, websites, etc. Although their employees may speak English fluently, writing perfect English is harder. In fact, it is almost impossible for non-native English speakers to judge the quality of their written text. So often a highly professional company is let down by their published literature. Through the idiosyncratic use of phrases, grammar or particular words, a company's public face – whether it is a brochure, website or report – may seem quite childish and unprofessional.


A company's published literature is its window to the world.

Poor quality writing leaves a bad impression and lets you and your company down.



Joy Michaud, PhD, is a British editor who specialises in text written in English as a foreign language. With a background in practical agriculture/horticulture, agricultural research and organic systems and regulation she is well placed to handle reports, books, papers or even conference speeches on subjects dealing with primary food production right through to regulatory text.

Contact Joy



Be sure your 'window to the world' sends out the right message.